Application for Mining Licence at Shepherd's Flat in the Wombat Forest

Objections to the Shepherd's Flat Mining Licence must be in writing and delivered by Wednesday 29 January 2014

Please try to post by this Friday 24 January to make sure they get there on time.

Send to:
The Manager
Earth Resources Tenements
Department of State Development, Business & Innovation
GPO Box 4509

Re: Application for a Mining Licence ­ MIN5572, Shepherd¹s Flat, Victoria

State your objections. Do this in your own words and you may wish to discuss the environmental impacts as you see them.

Topics you may wish to include:

Mine Application Update

The Ballarat Office of the Earth Resource Business Centre (the Department in charge of mining) have said that acknowledgements of all objections have been mailed to the objectors including an outline of procedures.

They advise that, firstly, the applicant will need to address native title requirements. This can take as long as 18 months.

The department is now assessing the Mineralisation Report. They will consider the objections raised in the submissions to the Mining Lease Application by members of the public.

They advise that objections are usually dealt with in the Work Plan. (This is where we find a problem, as there is no opportunity for the public to have a say in the contents of a Work Plan)

All those who lodged objections will be notified regarding whether the licence has been granted or refused. They advise that it is not a given that the licence will be granted.

In October 2013, amendments to the Mining Act were passed and included increased requirements for community consultation. If a licence is granted, the licensee will need to put in place their community consultation which may include advertising in local papers or a website.

(We note that although there is a requirement for community consultation, there is nothing in the Act that says that the licensee needs to take this into consideration)